Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Should I Eat? Avocados

True or False: You shouldn't eat avocados because they're really high in fat.

Answer: Avocados are high in fat (30 grams of fat in half a medium avocado), but it's the good-for-your heart monounsaturated kind of fat.

Don't overdue it if you're watching your weight, but there are plenty of reasons to enjoy avocados in moderation.

Half of a medium size avocado (100 grams/3.5 ounces) has 160 calories.

And those calories are packed with nearly 20 nutrients: vitamins, minerals, and assorted phytochemicals.  Like vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, potassium, folate, lutein and fiber.

Counting carbohydrates and protein? Half of an avocado has 7 grams of carbohydrate and 4 grams of protein.

The California Avocado Commission lists eight varieties grown there. In Israel, we grow at least seven varieties. So some type of avocado is available almost any time of the year! 

Chop or slice avocado into salads. Mash it with a bit of lemon juice for guacamole. Thin the guacamole with some olive oil for a salad dressing. Spread avocado on bread instead of mayonnaise. It's great in sandwiches too.

Looking for gourmet? The Grinfeld family recently started producing avocado oil in Israel. 16 kilos (35 pounds) of avocados are processed into a quarter-liter (1 cup) of amazingly delicious (and expensive!) oil. Look for it at specialty-food stores or contact them through their website.

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