Thursday, May 21, 2009

Shavuot Sandwich?

Tnuva, Israeli's dairy giant, sent another promotional today. Along with coupons for their new 1% fat cottage cheese was this recipe:

"Health Sandwich"

2 slices whole wheat bread

1 tablespoon 1% cottage cheese

1 slice 5% yellow cheese

½ thinly sliced radish

Thin slices of lemon, optional

I can't say that it speaks to me. But I applaud their effort to reduce the fat content in dairy products. (I've also noticed a version of their chocolate milk with less sugar and a number of lactose-reduced dairy products.)

My American upbringing gets in the way of putting cottage cheese into a sandwich. I'm not big on radishes either. Sliced lemon? You can try it and let me know.

Anyway, I'm in favor of less protein and lots more vegetables. Most of us get quite enough protein already and barely enough vegetables. (The minimum recommended intake of vegetables and fruit is 5 servings and the ideal is 10 servings per day.)

Here's my sandwich makeover:

2 slices whole wheat bread

Olive or sundried tomato spread

1 slice 5% yellow cheese

Avocado slices

Tomato slices

Cucumber slices

Romaine lettuce

Coming soon …Beyond Cheesecake


  1. Aside from the olive or sundried tomato spread (I prefer a touch of dijon mustard, or I just use nothing and get the "creaminess" from the avocado), this is my sandwich! I adore this for lunch, although sometimes I have it in a pita, and sometimes I throw in a veggie shnitzel if I want a litle more substance. Sometimes I throw in zucchini slices or chatzilim, too!
