Thursday, March 19, 2009

What Should I Eat? Nuts

Got the munchies? Need an easy, satisfying snack?

Eat a handful of nuts. They’ll take the edge off of your hunger. They’re a great source of protein. And full of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and fiber. Yes, they’re high in fat, but it’s mostly good, unsaturated fat. The kind that reduces LDL (lousy) cholesterol and keeps HDL (healthy) cholesterol levels high. In fact, people who regularly eat nuts are less likely to have heart attacks or die from heart disease than people who rarely eat them.

But nuts are high in calories.

So don’t add nuts to an already high-calorie diet. You’re likely to gain weight. And excess weight could cancel the health benefits of nuts.

Here’s the trick: eat nuts instead of cookies, candy, chips and other junk food. And don’t overdo it. An ounce or two (28-56 grams) of nuts a day is a reasonable amount. That’s ¼ to ½ a cup or a large handful.


  1. Are all nuts created equal? I mean, aren't walnut and almonds better than brazil nuts and macadamia nuts, for example?

    And what would be one serving of nuts (as opposed to the total for the day)?

    Thanks Chana!

  2. You're right. Not all nuts are the same.

    Macadamia nuts, for instance, have more fat than most other nuts. But most of that fat is healthy monounsaturated, so a few occasionally is not so bad. Brazil nuts are also fattier, but high in the mineral selenium.

    Each nut has a different nutritional profile. That's why variety is a good thing.

    One ounce (28 grams) of either almonds, walnuts, peanuts and pistachios has approximately 160 calories, 15 grams of fat and 8 grams of protein.

    I just weighed an ounce of almonds on my kitchen scale. They measure about 1/4 cup. I counted 21 nuts. They would fit into an average size palm.

    The important thing is to eat nuts in place of something less nutritious that you're already eating. Don't add them to whatever you're already munching on or you're very likely to gain weight.
