Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More Foods that are Good for You. Another in the Series: "What Should I Eat?"


When everyone’s hungry and you haven’t planned anything to eat, whip up an omelet. Eggs take particularly well to leftover vegetables. Add eggs to sautéed onion, red pepper and zucchini for a Spanish-style frittata. Leftover roasted potatoes? Cooked broccoli or asparagus? A tomato that won’t last until tomorrow? Add them to beaten eggs with a little salt and pepper, and you’ll have a tasty meal in no time.

Just be sure to cook eggs thoroughly to avoid salmonella poisoning. Unless you’re diabetic or have high cholesterol levels, you can enjoy eggs regularly. Their high-quality protein and easily absorbable vitamins and minerals make them nearly perfect nutritionally.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I eat eggs almost daily. Think of them as the perfect salt-free protein. They're much healthier than most cheeses.
