Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What Should I Eat? Whole Grains

Here's another in the series "What Should I Eat?" Each post is about "normal" food that is good for you. Nothing exotic or expensive - I promise.

Whole Grains

Think whole grains for healthy wholesome eating. Chock full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, they’re low in fat and high in taste.
Try bulgur, cracked wheat, barley, millet, quinoa and brown rice. Our current favorite is farro – an heirloom strain of wheat that we first tasted in Tuscany. Chewy, soft and mild, it’s easily digestible and cooks faster than whole wheat berries. It makes a lovely summer salad and a tasty side dish to fish and poultry.
Brown rice takes longer to cook than white rice. But if you don't have a full 45 minutes or so to cook it, you can plan ahead with these two "short-cuts".

1. Soak the rice (1 cup rice, 2 ¼ cups water) for an hour or so before cooking it. This also works if you’re using a rice machine.

2. Parboil the rice: Boil 2 cups of water and 1 teaspoon of salt in a large pot. Add 1 cup of rice. Boil for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Drain. Use it now in your favorite white rice recipe, or store it in the refrigerator and use it within a few days.

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