Friday, January 9, 2009

Cooking Under Fire

Fortunately, I started cooking for Shabbat yesterday.

Because at 5 a.m. this morning we were aroused by the missile warning siren. We grabbed a blanket, fumbled out of bed, turned on a light, sat on the floor in the hallway and tuned in to our local radio station.

But they were broadcasting as usual. Not the usual pre-recorded instructions of what to do and (depending on how far you live from Gaza) how much time you have to do it. I thought I heard someone on the radio talking about carrots. Who listens to the radio at five in the morning? Do they really talk about food at that hour?

Anyway, we didn’t hear the usual series of booms, so we went back to bed. Only to be awakened again at 7 a.m. This time for real – four Grad rocket booms exploded in the distance.

Still feeling groggy, I knew it was pointless to try to go back to bed. So I started making challah and dessert. And chicken. Only to be interrupted twice more by sirens. With booms.

Our Erev Shabbat menu:

Borlotti bean and farro soup (the last vestiges of our Tuscany trip)
Green salad
Marinated beets
Chicken thighs, fennel and onion baked in lemon sauce
Mashed potatoes
Lemon tart
Fresh baked challah

Many thanks to all of you who have written to express your concern and warm wishes. We so appreciate your thoughts and your prayers.

With my very best wishes for a Shabbat shketa. A peaceful and quiet Shabbat.


  1. I wish you and your family and friends a peaceful Shabbat.

  2. Dear Hana

    Where are the recepies?

  3. Look under the category of "Recipes" under "Labels" in the left-hand column of my blog. You should find all of the recipes that I've posted.
