Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Yes You Can!

You’ve heard it over and over again. To lose weight, you’ve got to eat less and exercise more.

But there’s another piece of the equation – cooking!

In many households, home cooking has all but disappeared. It started when women left the kitchen to work outside the home. Food manufacturers filled the void with processed “convenience” foods. These foods became regular components of the meals we fed our families. Then our lives got even busier and we started to rely on “fast food” and take-out. Many of us never learned how to cook.

It’s time to get back into the kitchen.

The financial crunch is certainly a good incentive to switch from store-bought to home-made. And we know that home-cooked food is almost always healthier than high-fat, high-sugar and overly salted processed foods.

It’s really not hard to cook from scratch. And it doesn’t take all day. What it takes is some advance planning and a little know-how.

How can you make the switch from store-bought to home-made? Let’s start with some easy basics.

In my next few blogs, I’ll give you directions and recipes for making salad dressing, soup stock, pie crust, croutons, and pudding. Small things that taste better, cost less, and are healthier when you make them yourself.

Cook from scratch?

President Obama won over the crowds by saying “Yes We Can!”

And I’m saying to you, when it comes to cooking, “Yes You Can!”


  1. Dear Chana
    I am very intwerested in your blogs and recipes. Thank you.
    However, please don't use Obama for anything! ,Many of us are very unhappy with his election and leery of future repercussions

  2. Dear Sarah,
    Thank you for your interest in my blog. My goal is to teach good nutrition and healthy eating. If I make mention of a politian, it's only to help make a point or add a note of humor. I don't endorse politians or political viewpoints on my blog.

  3. Dear Chana
    I saw your reply
    Thank you
