Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Welcome Back!

To all of my faithful readers,

Please excuse my absence.

In truth, I have not been well for the past several months.

The good news is that I'm not seriously ill. After lots of tests and visits to medical specialists, the diagnosis is fibromyalgia - a set of treatable symptoms rather than a disease. So I'm returning to regular exercise, trying different medications and resting a lot. The worst symptoms are exhaustion and difficulty in concentrating - thus the lack of blogs.

Now that I'm feeling better, I'll be back to blogging more often. Look for a new post following this one.

Thanks so much for your understanding.



  1. Glad to hear that you're feeling better - welcome back!

  2. Whoa, that's a biggie. Much as I enjoy the blog, I'm glad to hear your prioritizing your health.

    feel good and best wishes,

  3. I'm sorry to hear this, but glad you've finally got a diagnosis. Speaking from experience, I know how frustrating it is to have something wrong, but not know what it is and how to fix it.

    Of course, being Israeli and Jewish, I have to give my 2 agarots' worth of advice ;) A friend also has fibromylagia and had read that tai chi is apparently extremely helpful. She started not long ago, and thinks it is making a difference.

    May you continue to feel better, and see only improvement.

  4. Dear Chana: Truth is, I WAS getting a little worried, it was a little too long for "regular busy" BH, you are dealing with it, and may you continue to feel better!Refuah Shlaymah! Ellen Schabes
    P.S. I really enjoy your blog!

  5. Thank you to all of you who have posted comments and emailed. As a matter of fact, my husband and I have been learning Tai Chi for several years, and I do think it's been helpful in my recovery. There were a few months when I had to stop completely, but now I'm back to our regular weekly lessons. I'm also happy to say that for the past two days I haven't needed any daytime naps! Thank God for every little thing!
