Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Do Carbs Improve Your Mood?

In a recent poll, 81% of Israelis said "yes".

You're not alone if you go straight for cookies, crackers, bread or sweets when you're feeling upset, tired or depressed.

Some scientists think that it's a reaction to the "feel-good" hormone serotonin. When serotonin levels decrease, cravings for carbohydrates increase.

Others aren't convinced. They suggest that carb cravings may be triggered by upsetting events or just plain habit. If you're on one of the popular high-protein, low-carbohydrate diets, you may crave carbohydrates because you're simply not getting enough of them!

Here are some tips to help you cope with "normal" cravings:

Include a protein-rich food at breakfast. An egg or yogurt in the morning will help keep you satisfied throughout the day.

When you crave carbohydrates, choose lean ones like pretzels, crackers, cereal or bread.

Don't feel like you have to join the high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet trend. If it causes you to crave carbs, it's not the diet for you.

Choose carbohydrates that you can eat slowly or drink, like popcorn or hot chocolate. Those are more satisfying than foods that are eaten in a hurry, like cookies and candy.

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