Sunday, August 16, 2009

Eating Well – What Works?

When was the last time you were on a diet? Was it calorie counting, low-fat, high-protein, low-carb or sugar-free? We've been through hundreds of "miraculous", "fat-burning" "quick and easy" diets.

But after all these years of dieting, we weigh even more. Obviously, focusing on what not to eat hasn't worked.

It's time to focus on the positive. On what we should eat. Wholesome, seasonal food like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes.

Here's an interesting study: Researchers took a group of obese women. They taught them all how to eat less fat. Half the group was also taught how to eat more vegetables. What happened? They all ate less fat, but those who ate more vegetables lost 20% more weight.

The "dos" of good eating seem to make a much bigger impact than the "don'ts".

I don't write about diets and I don't calculate calories in my recipes. I don't think it will help you lose weight. Just like counting protein, carbohydrate and fat grams aren't likely to help you eat well.

Because the essence of healthy eating is not what you can't or shouldn't eat. It's not about restrictions. It's all about eating delicious, nutritious wholesome food.

Next… How to Eat

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Chana, for saying it so well. I think this, along with, "it's not about the numbers on the scale, it's about being healthy" will become my mantra for making good choices.
