Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ten Steps to Healthy Eating

Nutrition is a hot topic.

And nutrition information is everywhere – newspapers, TV, billboards, the web. Even the food we buy comes packaged with nutritional claims.

The flood of information can make it hard to figure out what’s best to eat.

Here’s a plan for eating right. It’s based on what we know about nutrition and health. No magic formulas – just eating a variety of foods in moderate amounts.

1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Aim for 5 to 10 servings a day and a variety of colors for a range of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Choose seasonal, locally-grown produce whenever possible.

2. Choose whole grains, not refined. You’ll get a lot more nutrients, including valuable fiber, from whole grains. Replacing refined grains with whole grains will also leave you feeling fuller and less likely to overeat.

3. Eliminate trans fat by avoiding products containing partially-hydrogenated vegetable fat. Olive oil is one of the healthiest fats, so use it in salads, cooking and for dipping bread. All fats are high in calories, so use them in moderation.

4. Eat less red meat. Choose fish, poultry and vegetable protein for most of your meals and save fattier meats like beef and lamb for Shabbat and holidays.

5. Sugars (including honey, brown sugar and maple syrup) are high in calories and low in nutrients. Start lowering your sugar intake by eliminating soft drinks and fruit-flavored beverages.

6. Choose low-fat dairy products to lower your intake of saturated fat. Low-fat dairy is a good source of calcium, especially for children and teens whose bones are developing.

7. Season your food with fresh herbs and spices and go easy on salt and high-sodium condiments like soy sauce, soup broth mix and ready-made sauces.

8. Eat healthy portions of food. Since portion-control can mean the difference between gaining and losing weight, measure your food to become familiar with recommended serving sizes.

9. Exercise!

10. Think about when, where and what you eat. Make a real effort to sit down, relax, eat slowly and enjoy your food.


  1. Awesome website, I am just starting to 'get healthy' after a very high chlosterol test. Torah is Toras Chaim, instructions for our life and a major part is our health. Bezras Hashem, with more people publicizing healthy body=healthy soul you can really change peoples lives.

  2. I am so glad there is a kosher, healthy eating site and blog. Thank you!
