Thursday, March 12, 2009

First Anniversary!

It's hard for me to believe, but it's been one year since Food for the Soul was published. 

It's been a busy and eventful year. The book lead to speaking engagements, writing assignments, newspaper interviews, and best of all, the creation of this blog. 

I thought the hard part would be over once the book was in print, but it turned out to be just the beginning. 

But I love the work. I love your questions and your feedback. They keep me thinking, learning and on my toes. 

Right now, I'm thinking about my next book. Stay tuned.


  1. I have registered to many sites but this site is the only one I look forward to seeing and actually reading and enjoying. I look forward to many more years of enjoyment, healthy recepies and ideas for Kosher cooking in Israel.

  2. Hi Ann,
    Thank you so much for your kind words. I welcome your questions and appreciate your feedback.
    All the best,


  3. Hi Chana,

    I love reading your blog and using your amazing recipes!

    I've been living in Isarel less than a year but I can't seem to find unbleached flour here. Does it exist? Where can I find it in Beersheva? The only flour I find is regular white wheat, semolina or whole wheat. I bougght bread flour hoping that would be a little healthier for my bread making, but really miss the all-purpose unbleached flour from the US.


    Thanks so much! Shavua tov.

  4. Thank you! I really do appreciate your feedback.

    I just spoke with the food technologist at Stybel Flour Mills. He assured me that none of their flour is bleached. (He couldn't tell me if other companies bleach their flour.) In fact, he spoke strongly against the process of bleaching flour. So - if you buy any variety of Stybel brand flour you can rest assured that it hasn't been bleached.

  5. Awesome, thank you Chana! The bread flour I purchased happens to be their product as well, so now I know to purchase regular flour from them as well.

    I wish they would print that on their label!!
