Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dust Is Not Chametz!

Seems logical, right?

In Beer Sheva we know from experience.  Here in the desert we inevitably get a dust storm before Pesach – just as we've finished our major cleaning. (The photo is of an actual dust storm approaching Beer Sheva.)

Don't let yourself get caught up in "spring cleaning" mode. Of course we all want a clean house, but the whole idea at Pesach is to eliminate chametz.

While you're getting rid of bread crumbs, take a moment to think about the spiritual dimension of Pesach cleaning. Judaism teaches that spirituality comes from the holiness hidden within the mundane. Including the mundane chore of cleaning.

So ridding your house of chametz might also mean trying to rid yourself of unwanted habits and behaviors. 

And there's the comparison of chametz (bread made fluffy with air) to a bloated ego:  self-importance that's nothing more than hot air. Cleaning for chametz reminds us that we all could use a little "inner cleaning" of the soul.

With best wishes to all of my readers for a happy, healthy and relaxing Pesach!



1 comment:

  1. Yes, here in Israel we can certainly relax as we only have one seder. Then all of Friday to get ready for Shabat. Instead of a 3 day chag/shabat. Worth living here. And it is springtime.
    Chag Sameach to all
